address matches the address provided earlier for the GSS server, this is where the default DAgent settings will point to. Select "Ok" when notified that a DHCP service is required for PXE to function correctly.Advanced installations may require changing the PXE server address to a different location.

Configure PXE settings, by default the PXE server and GSS server use the same I.P.Select yes to the below notification, this ensures that the prior Ghost Solution Suite database is used with the new Ghost Solution Suite install.Select either Windows NT authentication or SQL server authentication.Verify that the server found is the correct server and that the database name matches the previous install of Ghost Solution Suites database.This can be either a local administrator or a domain administrator. address and install path are correct and enter a administrator username and password. If you are installing a release update "RU" but the major release version isn't changing, the existing license file can be used. Example: if you are upgrading from a 3.2 release to 3.3, a new license file is required. License files from previous base versions will not work on upgrades and vice versa. *Note, each major release Ghost Solution Suite has a unique license file. Locate and link your license file in the prompt below. Select the location where the previous version of Ghost Solution Suite files are located, it is recommended to choose the location that Ghost Solution Suite is installed at so files are overwritten and updated accordingly.Select Custom Install to preserve the database from the previous version of Ghost Solution Suite install.Download the latest version of Ghost Solution Suite (From your Support Portal ) and select "Extract & Execute App", this will create the familiar DSSETUP folder in the directory that is selected.* It is recommended to get a back up of your server, disable the Anti Virus, Turn off windows User Account Control Settings and rename the current DSSetup folder in C:\DSSetup before the upgrade. Please backup all information/databases and view the Ghost Solution Suite documentation before proceeding. *This guide informs on the upgrade process from Ghost Solution Suite.

Supported Upgrade Paths for Ghost Solution Suite 3.3 Installation and Upgrade Information for Ghost Solution Suite 3.3 RU8 The upgrade process for Ghost Solution Suite is fairly simple and the newest version of GSS can be directly installed overtop of the previous version if the supported upgrade path is followed: